JP - EN - ID Translator


“Essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”

― Hector Garcia Puigcerver, Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life


Originally born in Surabaya and grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia, I am a Japanese-English-Indonesian translator who loves Japanese culture and games since childhood.

My passion is in Japanese language and culture, and I have been in touch with them since I was in school. Throughout the years, my passion has continued to grow and became my driving force in life.

I also love games, both playing them myself and watching streamers’ playthroughs. Games have always been a part of my daily life. From RPG, FPS, survival, puzzle to simulation games, I have experience in wide variety of genre on different platforms.


People always told me that I have a brilliant mind and very reliable. I often find myself leading various group projects and assignments in high school and university. I am a quick learner, highly motivated, disciplined, and detail oriented. I am not only knowledgeable and proficient in Japanese, but also in English. I read and listen to Japanese and English daily through videos, anime, manga, and games. Therefore, I excel in both written and spoken Japanese and English.

I have experience in content creation such as creating & editing posters, infographics, and videos using various software, including Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and DaVinci Resolve. I also use OmegaT, Aegisub, and Subtitle Edit.



Bachelor of Arts (Japanese Literature)

Jakarta, Indonesia

Honors: Best Graduate & Summa Cum Laude (GPA: 3.95)

Activities: Japanese Conversation Club, Japanese Handcraft Club, BINUS & JCC Online Cultural Exchange, and various community services


Japanese Language Program (Student Exchange for 1 semester)

Kanazawa, Japan

Studied Japanese language equivalent to N2 JLPT directly from native Japanese lecturers (GPA: 4.00)


Jakarta, Indonesia

Honors: Ranked #1


Jakarta, Indonesia


Jakarta, Indonesia






My educational journey has equipped me with deep understanding of Japanese culture and language, from the lifestyle, thought process, and behavior, to the nuance and nature behind each expression.

My commitment to mastering Japanese language and culture is evident in my academic accomplishments.

Work Experience

Online Assistant Support (Internship)


  • Worked full-time as an intern with Indonesian and Japanese staff members. Interacting with Japanese staff members daily through chats & video calls.
  • Experienced in working in a team with systemized task & time management tools on a daily basis.
  • Responsible for assisting other Indonesian and Japanese staff members, mainly working on commissions from Japanese clients. In charge of data checking, input & conversion, online research, Japanese-English-Indonesian translation, image & video editing, e-mailing, composing & updating work manuals.
  • Translation experience includes translating documents (articles, pamphlets, manuals, etc.), products (power tools, machine parts, factory equipment, medical apparatus, lab equipment, etc.), and social media posts for Japanese companies.

2021/9 - 2022/2

Translator (Freelance)


  • Provided accurate, efficient, and context-based media localization including movies and TV shows using Subtitle Edit.
  • Localized multiple projects on a weekly basis.
  • Maintained 100% on-time delivery rate.
  • Preserved client confidentiality and data security.

2024/4 - Current


Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1

Total Score: 174/180



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Best Graduate

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Summa Cum Laude

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(BINUS Student Transnational Ambassador)

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Ranked #1

BINUS University - Japanese Literature (2022)

BINUS University - Japanese Literature (2022)

BINUS University - Japanese Literature (2022)

Chandra Kusuma Senior High School


My Translations





Over the past two to three years, Kyoto has been hit by a series of disasters such as earthquakes, whirlwinds, fires, and famines. As a result, the desolation in the capital is dreadful. According to old records, Buddhist statues and implements were crushed and wood with red or gold and silver coating were piled up on the roadsides and sold as firewood. As the capital was in such a horrible state, no one bothered to repair the Rashōmon Gate. Taking advantage of the devastation, frauds and thieves inhabit the area. Eventually, it became a custom to abandon unclaimed corpses there. Therefore, when the sun went down, everyone felt uneasy and no one dared to approach the gate.


Dalam dua-tiga tahun terakhir, Kyoto telah dilanda bencana secara berturut-turut, seperti gempa bumi, angin puyuh, kebakaran, dan kelaparan. Akibatnya, kehancuran ibukota tidak terkendali. Menurut cacatan sejarah, patung-patung dan peralatan Buddha hancur, dan kayu-kayu dengan lapisan merah, emas, dan perak dikumpulkan di pinggir jalan untuk dijual sebagai kayu bakar. Karena kondisi ibukota yang buruk, tidak ada yang berpikiran untuk memperbaiki Gerbang Rashōmon. Kehancuran ibukota dimanfaatkan oleh para penipu dan pencuri yang menghuni daerah itu. Pada akhirnya, muncul budaya membuang mayat yang tidak terurus ke dekat gerbang. Oleh karena itu, ketika matahari terbenam, semua orang merasa tidak tenang dan tidak ada yang berani mendekati gerbang itu.

On Liberty

John Stuart Mill


Before taking up the general question of the nature of ideas, we must disentangle two entirely separate questions which arise concerning sense-data and physical objects. We saw that, for various reasons of detail, Berkeley was right in treating the sense-data which constitute our perception of the tree as more or less subjective, in the sense that they depend upon us as much as upon the tree, and would not exist if the tree were not being perceived. But this is an entirely different point from the one by which Berkeley seeks to prove that whatever can be immediately known must be in a mind. For this purpose arguments of detail as to the dependence of sense-data upon us are useless. It is necessary to prove, generally, that by being known, things are shown to be mental. This is what Berkeley believes himself to have done. It is this question, and not our previous question as to the difference between sense-data and the physical object, that must now concern us.




Sebelum membahas pertanyaan umum mengenai hakikat pikiran, kita perlu menguraikan dua pertanyaan terpisah yang muncul terkait pengetahuan inderawi dan objek fisik. Karena berbagai alasan terperinci, kita telah melihat bahwa, Berkeley benar dalam memperlakukan pengetahuan inderawi yang membentuk persepsi kita terhadap pohon sebagai sesuatu yang kurang lebih bersifat subjektif, dalam artian bahwa pengetahuan inderawi tersebut bergantung pada kita seperti halnya bergantung pada pohon tersebut, dan tidak akan ada jika pohon tersebut tidak dipersepsikan. Namun, argumen ini tidak sama dengan apa yang ingin dibuktikan Berkeley, yaitu apa pun yang dapat segera diketahui pasti ada dalam pikiran. Untuk itu, argumen terperinci mengenai ketergantungan pengetahuan inderawi pada kita tidak berlaku. Perlu dibuktikan bahwa secara umum, dengan diketahui, segala sesuatu tampak bersifat mental. Inilah yang diyakini Berkeley telah dirinya capai. Pertanyaan inilah yang harus menjadi perhatian kita sekarang, dan bukan pertanyaan sebelumnya mengenai perbedaan antara pengetahuan inderawi dan objek fisik.


Anita berlari terburu-buru masuk ke kelas. Ia menutupi kepala dengan tangan, menghindari cahaya matahari yang menembus atmosfer dengan membawa sengatan panas. Inilah alasan mengapa ia tidak suka masuk sekolah di siang hari. Semangat belajar sudah meleleh seperti es krim yang dibiarkan mencair.

Gadis itu berhenti sejenak di depan pintu kelas, membiasakan matanya beradaptasi dari cahaya terang ke tempat yang lebih gelap. Setelah rhodopsin dari sel batang di retina matanya mulai terbentuk, ia melangkah perlahan ke dalam kelas. Riuh rendah suara terdengar, menandakan kawan sekelas sudah banyak yang datang. Kaki Anita mulai melangkah menuju tempat duduk yang terletak di baris kedua dari depan. Tampak Rika, teman sebangkunya, sedang duduk menghadap kursi belakang sambil menyalin dengan cekatan.




Surat di Kolong Meja



Anita hurriedly ran into the classroom. She covered her head with her hand, avoiding strong sunlight that penetrates the atmosphere. This is exactly why she hates going to school in the middle of the day. All motivation to study had melted away like an ice cream.

She stopped in front of the door for a moment, waiting for her eyes to adapt to the darker classroom after being in the sunlight. After the rhodopsin of the rod cells in her retina began to form, she slowly stepped into the classroom. Buzzing sounds could be heard, indicating that many of her classmates had already arrived. She moved her legs towards her seat in the second row from the front. There was Rika, her seatmate, swiftly copying homework while sitting backwards.

Dragon Quest XI


Nevertheless, I never expected that Sylv owns a ship. I guess never judge a book by its cover, huh?


Walau begitu, aku tidak menyangka kalau Sylv punya kapal pribadi. Buku memang tidak bisa dinilai dari sampulnya, ya.

Chrono Trigger


Komandan: Kalian adalah kesatria Guardia!

Pertahankan kehormatan orde kita dan usir musuh ke tempat asalnya!





Thank You

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Erik Handrianto

+62 812-0871-0187

Jl Akasia Golf VI No. 60, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan,

North Jakarta, Indonesia